Category Archives: Handheld inflators

Analog and Digital tire inflators

PCL MK4 tire inflator deflator gauge – changing units of measurement

PCL MK4 tire inflator deflator gauge The PCL MK4 tire inflator deflator gauge, part of the ACCURA Maverick 4×4 kit has 3 functions built-in, where you are able to toggle between units of measurements.  1. Out of the box, the inflator/ deflator will be set to read in PSI (Pounds per square inch)  2. The […]

4 off-road tire inflation premium kit- Holiday specials 2020

4 off-road tire inflation premium kit Happy Holidays everyone! What a crazy year this has been, we are thankful for the off-road community that has continued to find ways to normalize what is going on all around us by allowing us to escape into nature, the beach, and other fantastic overlanding adventures. If you are […]

PCL Off-road 4 tire gauge inflation kit- Accuracy, heritage, speed.

PCL Off-road 4 tire gauge inflation kit. When we look at the off-road community, the passion and camaraderie that is bursting here is simply priceless. We are very thankful for the feed-back received during the development of this kit. The up and coming professional grade, PCL off-road 4 tire gauge inflation kit is a game […]

PCL Analog tire pressure gauges – accuracy and quality

Traditionalists will always enjoy handling an analog tire inflator / deflator gauge.  Being featured here is the Airforce analog gauge is fast, accurate, and shock resistant. This is the same tire gauge that has been favored by the motorbike professional racing circuit because of its lightweight design and accuracy behind each of these products. PCL […]

Offroad tire pressure gauges- tire gauge accuracy reimaged.

People like us love our online communities, we love our freedom to go and get lost. People like us love the process of transforming our vehicles giving us authenticity. People like us love our offroad tire pressure gauges, the feeling of a racing heritage, and the feeling of what you are holding in your hand […]